When Do You Believe a Poll?
A new poll conducted and released by the Kaiser Family Foundation states that more people want ObamaCare fixed not repealed.
The new poll said they found that approximately 4 out of 5 people want the Trump Administration to fix the ObamaCare health insurance law rather than repeal it.
Many proponents of the ObamaCare health insurance law are now pointing to this poll and others stating that we as a country should do what the American people want.
The problem I have with this sentiment is up until this year the ObamaCare health insurance law has been underwater when it came to polling. What I mean by that is more people did not like the health insurance law then liked it, and wanted it repealed. These same people who are now stating we should listen to the American people did not state that when the American people were saying, via this same polling, that they did not want the health insurance law, then they did not believe we should listen to the American people.
So are we to believe the polls now and not all the polls prior to this year?
That is the problem when you are a hypocrite. When are we supposed to believe you and agree with what you say and when are we not to?
This same poll found that 3 in 10 people want the Trump Administration and the Republican politicians to continue to attempt to repeal and replace the health insurance law.
Wait if 4 out of 5, which translates to 8 out of 10 people want to fix the law and 3 out of 10 want to continue to attempt to repeal and replace that adds up to 11 out of 10. What are these people using, Common Core math?
If you want to believe this and other polls now, a bigger problem looms. This poll stated they found that 6 out of 10 people polled will blame the Trump Administration and the elected Republicans for any problems that are caused if they do not fix the completed failed health insurance law.
So I ask the question, when do you believe and poll and thus should act upon it and when do you not?