Battle Creek Gets Improved Healthcare From Rescue Plan
Michigan US Senator Gary Peters says the new American Rescue Plan Act includes a number of provisions to boost healthcare in Michigan, and nationwide. Thousands in the Battle Creek area qualify for the expanded benefits. Michigan’s Democratic Senator says the $1.9 Trillion spending plan will expand access to quality care for Michigan residents.
For some., it doesn’t seem like it has been 11 years since “Obamacare” worked its way through congress and to the desk of then-President Barak Obama for final approval. It marked a major turning point in American politics in terms of partisan control leading to partisan actions. Just one Republican in the US House voted for the original plan and not one in the Senate voted for the sweeping overhaul of medical health coverage.

As Americans grapple with medical care issues more than ever with the ongoing COVID-19 virus outbreak, Michigan Senator Peters says the new “Rescue Act” includes a number of ways healthcare and health insurance are being pulled up to help. For instance, the Senator points to the elimination of health care coverage premiums for many lower-income Americans. That includes singles earning approximately $19,000 and up to a family of four with a household income of $39,000.
Senator Peters says an analysis of the new plan by Families USA, shows that as many as 90,000 uninsured workers in Michigan who are receiving unemployment benefits will also get help through an extension of health care premium subsidies.
Peters says these are solid improvements in the system but more needs to be done. “Eleven years ago, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law – expanding health care access to Michigan families and saving lives. We’ve made important strides since then – including through the American Rescue Plan, which will be vital especially during this pandemic – but there’s still more we must do to increase access to quality health care and lower costs. I’ll keep fighting to reduce health care costs and lower prescription drug costs for folks in Michigan and across the country.”
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