Whitmer, Masks, Businesses & Medical Exemptions
Governor Whitmer is getting very upset that people are not obeying her orders. Because of that, she has deemed that businesses cannot just assume that people entering their places of business without masks are medically exempt.
Apparently she believes that too many people are not wearing their Governor ordered masks and the businesses are assuming that they have a medical exemption. If the Governor is telling the truth then I must assume business owners or employees are not confronting their customers so as to not possibly put themselves in the line of danger.
The Governor seems to be fixated on the number of positive COVID-19 cases as opposed to the hospitalizations and deaths as she originally told us was her concern. Many Michiganders simply do not believe anything Whitmer says anymore due to her flip-flopping on the flatten the curve issue. She first stated we need to flatten the curve to keep the number of hospitalizations and deaths down. In Michigan, we have greatly achieved that goal. Now that we have achieved that goal she decided to move the goal post and now states that the number of positive cases is what we need to focus on. Why is she moving that goalpost? She needs to in order to keep her tyrannical control over the state with her Emergency powers.
Businesses are concerned that if they do not allow customers into their businesses due to a medical issue they could be violating the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Whitmer is ordering that businesses are required to post signs and now they just cannot assume somebody without a face covering is medically exempt from wearing one. They must ask them to wear a mask and if they state they have a medical condition they can accept that explanation.
The real question is why do Whitmer and other Democrat leaders, including Drl Fauci, around the country keep moving the goal post to determine success. The answer has everything to do with the fall election and harming our economy to the greatest extent so they can retain and accumulate more power.
The goal is not to save people but to save and expand their parties' power and control.
Remember every time any of these leaders say it is about saving lives they are really saying it is about saving and expanding their power.
The Live with Renk show airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts call (269) 441-9595