In a year of crazy uncertainties, why not just throw an election into the mix. Better yet, why not make it one filled with people choosing to vote by absentee ballot.

The big question on many Michigander's minds who made the choice to skip the polling booths and opt for voting by absentee ballot is whether or not their votes will even be counted. Once you mail that ballot in does it really make it to it's destination?

According to the Detroit Free Press, there is actually a few way to check and see if the clerk's office received. your ballot, and if for some reason it hasn't, their are things you can do as well.

Apparently The Michigan Secretary of State's Office has a website that lets voters check to see whether they are registered, review a sample ballot, verify their polling place and to track their absentee ballot.

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On the site, if you are a registered voter, you will be able to actually check the status of your absentee ballot, including the date the clerk received your application, and the date your ballot was sent to you. Voters will be able to then see if the ballot has been received, plus the date the clerk received it.

The site will also giving polling location information, the name and contact information for your local clerk, and voting information for your district.  There is also information on what to do if your ballot has not been received.

So don't worry. To check and see if your ballot has your voice being heard in this years election visit Once on the site, you will be able to search by name or driver's license number to find information about your ballot.


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