When most folks want to de-stress they try popular tactics like meditation, relaxing with a glass of wine, or my preferred method of visiting your local float spa. Or-- you can also do what these Kellogg Community College students are doing and break stuff!

Call them what you will: break room, rage room, anger room-- smashing stuff is the latest craze when it comes to shaking off your stressors. One of the most stressful times of the year for college students is finals time, that's why the Student Life association at Battle Creek's Kellogg Community College puts on an annual "Stress Busters" festival aimed at suppressing students' stresses during spring finals.

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Included in this year's Stress Busters activities is something I wish my college did this during finals week back when I was in school-- a break room. Says the Office of Student Life,

This is a chance for our students to get out anxious frustrations by picking up their choice of a bat, golf club, or sledgehammer, and literally breaking stuff. (Think that one scene with the printer in Office Space)

KCC's Student Life has already collected several items to smash but is still in need of more donations. Think of this as a perfect opportunity to kick-start your spring cleaning! Donations accepted will include chipped plates, old TVs, and old appliances that no longer work. Really just anything that you think maybe fun to smash up or, "items that you no longer need, have lived out their life of usefulness, and could happily meet their absolute end at the end of a hammer-wielding student."

The Stress Busters Break Room will take place Tuesday, April 26 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You can drop off your donations at the Office of Student Life or call (269) 565-2634.

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